Instructor Help Notes

Just getting started with Smartwork? Begin by browsing the "Getting Started" section of the instructor help notes. For other questions, review the other help notes sections or use the search function at the top of this page.


Getting Started with Smartwork
Smartwork is an online, self-graded homework system with interactive content designed to engage and challenge your students. Smartwork works on computers and tablets and integrates with the Norton Ebook Reader and other Digital Toolkit products. Thi...
Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains a list of frequently asked questions about Smartwork. If your question does not appear here, please visit the W. W. Norton service desk via the link at the bottom of the page. Hide All Answers Can Smartwork grades be m...
Creating an Assignment
Smartwork allows you to create and publish your own assignments using the Norton Question Library. Hide All Answers Getting Started To create an assignment, do the following: On the Assignment List Page, select the Student Set for which...
Editing Assignments
The Assignment Editor allows you to adjust assignment-level settings, such as the Grades Accepted Until date and the time limit. It also allows you to adjust question-level settings, such as the number of points each question is worth and the attemp...
Exam Settings
Smartwork allows you to assign exams with the Exam Mode setting. Hide All Answers Exam Mode In the assignment editor, you can toggle Exam Mode ON and OFF.  By setting Exam Mode ON, the exam settings will be applied to the assignment. ...
Copying Assignments
Smartwork allows you to copy existing assignments and then edit them for future use. You can also copy an assignment from one Student Set to another. Hide All Answers Copying an Assignment within a Student Set If an assignment appears in a ...
Deleting an Assignment
Smartwork allows you to permanently delete premade and custom assignments from your assignment list. Hide All Answers Deleting a Premade Assignment 1. To delete a premade assignment, click Delete next to the premade assignment. 2. An o...
Editing Questions
In Smartwork, you can copy and customize existing W. W. Norton questions for use in your assignments via the Question Editor. You may also edit questions that you authored yourself. Copying and editing questions retains the original, unedited ve...
Creating New Questions
As an instructor, you can create your own Smartwork questions for your assignments. Hide All Answers Creating New Questions—Getting Started To access the Question Editor, go to the Question Library of the assignment in which you would li...
Creating a Question Pool
You can assign Question Pools to add a random element to assignments. Each student will be assigned a question out of the Pool at random. Some instructors build assignments with this feature to make cheating harder. You can create your own Pool in...
Open Response Questions
Open Response questions allow you to create short-answer, essay-style questions in Smartwork; the answers are usually a few sentences but can be longer. You can review and grade these responses after the assignment’s due date has passed, and you the...
Smartwork Adaptive Assignments for General Chemistry
Adaptive chemistry assignments guide each student through customized pathways of material until they attain mastery of instructor-selected learning objectives. This functionality meets students where they are; struggling students who need more pr...
Extending Due Dates, Resetting Assignments, and Other Accommodations
In Smartwork, you can alter assignments settings such as the due date, time limit, and attempt limits on questions for one or more students in your Student Set. You can also reset entire assignments and individual questions for one or more students,...
Viewing Student Results
As an instructor, you can view student grades for all assignments, as well as view in-depth student-specific and class-wide performance reports for each assignment. Hide All Answers Viewing Student Grades For All Assignments The Student...
Grading and Extra Credit
As an instructor, you can choose whether your students are graded in points or percentages. You are also able to give your students extra credit assignments or drop their lowest grades. Hide All Answers Student Grading By default, assignmen...
Economics Graphing Tool Directions
Instructor Notes We often find that the issues students encounter are related to skipping the directions and tutorial assignment, so we strongly recommend assigning the Tutorial activity in Smartwork. If your students experience further challenge...
Numeric Entry Question Type: Tolerances & Significant Figures
Most questions in Smartwork are set to grade with a +/-2% tolerance, although specific questions may be authored with a larger tolerance. Any number within that tolerance window is accepted as correct regardless of the number of sig figs, however an...
Migration Tool
This tool allows instructors to import all custom questions and assignments from an older edition to a new edition. Hide All Answers New Edition 1. When you sign into Smartwork and select a Student Set, you will see a banner message noting...