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Norton Testmaker brings Norton's high-quality testing materials online. Create assessments from anywhere with an Internet connection, without installing specialized software. Search and filter test bank questions by chapter, type, difficulty, learning objectives, and other criteria. Then, easily export your tests to Microsoft Word or Common Cartridge files for import into your Learning Management System.

NOTE: As of September 2022, DOCX files exported from Testmaker can be uploaded to Google Drive and opened in Google Docs.

For an overview of Norton Testmaker, click here.


Getting Started with Norton Testmaker
Norton Testmaker is Norton's online assessment-building software. Norton Testmaker lets you create tests, quizzes, and exams from Norton test bank questions. Getting access To secure the integrity of test bank questions, Norton Testmaker is only...
Creating a New Test
Norton Testmaker lets you create tests, quizzes, and exams from Norton-provided question banks. “Your Tests” screen Upon successful login, you will be presented with the "Your Tests" screen. If you have previously created tests in Norton Testmaker...
Searching Questions
Norton Testmaker lets you search for questions from Norton-provided question banks. Questions will not be displayed in the "Add Questions" panel until a search and/or filters are applied. Follow the steps below to search for questions. 1. Enter a s...
Filtering Questions
Norton Testmaker allows question filtering using bank-specific metadata. Questions will not be displayed in the "Add Questions" panel until a search and/or filters are applied. You can use filters to narrow your search results. Some commonly availab...
Adding Questions to a Test
Questions may be added individually to a test. 1. Click the "add question" icon next to your desired question in the "Add Questions" panel. 2. After clicking the "add question" icon, the question will be added to the test in the right panel. Th...
Removing Questions from a Test
Questions may be removed individually from your test. 1. Click the "Remove" button corresponding to the question you wish to remove. Questions can only be removed in "Build" and "List" views. Removed questions move back into the test bank and will ...
Viewing a Test in Different Ways
Norton Testmaker lets you view your test in three different formats. Build "Build" is the default view. This view displays all of the details of the questions in your test, including: question stem, answer choices, and metadata. You can add/remove...
Editing Test Name and Course Name
You can modify "Test Header" fields, such as the "Test Name" and "Course Name," of any test. Editing the "Test Header" can only be done in "Build" and "List" views. 1. Click the "Edit" button next to the "Test Header." 2. "Test Name" and "Cours...
Customizing Questions in a Test
Norton Testmaker lets you customize questions after adding them to your test. Customized questions become a part of your test bank automatically, so they can be reused in other tests. Questions can be edited in “Build” and “List” views. The followi...
Reordering Questions in a Test
You can reorder all of the questions in your test while in "List" view.  Note: You can only drag and move questions while they are collapsed. Place your mouse cursor over to the "drag" icon on the left side of a question item. Click and hold...
Saving a Test
Tests can be saved at any point. Tests also auto-save when edit actions are performed (e.g., adding, removing, and reordering questions). 1. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen. Your test will be saved and its modified date will be ...
Exporting a Test
Norton Testmaker allows exports to DOCX format and ZIP format (which can be imported to learning management systems). Exported tests will be downloaded to your Web browser's default download location.  Exported DOCX files contain both the test and ...
Copying a Test
Norton Testmaker lets you make unlimited copies of existing tests. This is a good way to use a previously created test as a template for a new one. 1. In the “Your Tests” screen, click the "Actions" dropdown corresponding to the test you want to co...
Deleting a Test
You can delete tests from Norton Testmaker. Keep in mind that deleting a test is a permanent action . 1. In the “Your Tests” screen, click the "Action" dropdown corresponding to the test that you want to delete. 2. Select "Delete" from the dro...