Instructor Help Notes

Just getting started with InQuizitive? Begin by browsing the "Introduction" section of the InQuizitive instructor help notes. For other questions, review the other InQuizitive help notes sections or use the search function at the top of this page.


Introduction to InQuizitive
InQuizitive is a formative, adaptive quizzing tool with gaming elements that supports select Norton textbooks. Instructors most often assign InQuizitive as pre-lecture assignments to ensure students come prepared to lectures, quizzes, and exams. ...
Getting Started with InQuizitive
InQuizitive works on computers, tablets, and smartphones and integrates with the Norton Ebook Reader and other digital products. This page provides details on how users can access InQuizitive and then manage their associated settings. Hide Al...
Assignment Setup and Controls
InQuizitive provides instructors with the ability to assign due dates, choose which learning objectives appear in assignments, modify the number of questions that appear in assignments, adjust Target Scores, and copy assignments and settings between...
Student Grading and Reports
In InQuizitive, students must answer a minimum number of questions in each assignment before receiving a grade and reach a Target Score to earn a 100%. This page details how instructors set up assignment score targets and then view class results. ...
Integration with Learning Management Systems
InQuizitive can be integrated with your campus Learning Management System (LMS). LMS integration allows for automatic gradebook updates, single sign-on to InQuizitive activities, and automatic enrollment of students into correct Student Sets. Hi...
Visual Guide: Overview of Account and Activity Tools
Visual Guides provide illustrated, detailed instructions on how to use Norton Digital products. This page presents annotated diagrams about the account and activity tools that can be accessed by clicking on the gear menu in the upper-right corner. ...
Visual Guide: Overview of the Class Activity Report
Visual Guides provide illustrated, detailed instructions on how to use Norton Digital products. This page presents a walkthrough of where to access and review the class activity reports for assignments that you assign in InQuizitive. Hide All An...
Visual Guide: Overview of the Student Activity Report
Visual Guides provide illustrated, detailed instructions on how to use Norton Digital products. This page presents a walkthrough of where to access and review the student activity reports for activities that you assign in InQuizitive. Hide All A...