Instructor Help Notes


How do I import the Resources for Your LMS to Blackboard?
Resources for you r  LMS   (RLMS)  is a  Blackboard  course content package export  file .  To add these resources to your Blackboard course, you will import the package to a blank  shell .    Blackboard Learn View – RLMS file...
How do I import the Resources for Your LMS to Blackboard-Ultra?
Resources for you LMS (RLMS) is a course content package export from Blackboard.  To add these resources to your Blackboard course, you will import the package to a blank course.    Blackboard Ultra View – RLMS file import   Download t...
How do I import the Resources for Your LMS to Canvas?
Resources for your LMS (RLMS) is a Canvas Course Export Package file. To add these resources to your Canvas course, you will import the imscc file to a blank shell.  Canvas  - RLMS file import Download the Canvas Course Export Package file from t...
How do I import the Resources for Your LMS to Brightspace/D2L?
Resources for your LMS (RLMS) is a D2L/Brightspace Course Export Package file. To add these resources to your D2L/Brightspace course, you will import the package file to a blank shell.  D2L/Brightspace - RLMS file import Download the package fil...
How do I import the Resources for Your LMS to Moodle?
Resources for you r  LMS   (RLMS)  is a Moodle course Backup file .  To add these resources to your Moodle course, you will restore the file to a blank  shell .    Moodle - RLMS file import If you do not already have a blank cou...
Mixed Content in Web Browsers
Mixed content refers to a combination of secure and non-secure resources on the same webpage. In an online course, this can cause elements to not display or to give an error message. In listening quizzes, for example, this may appear as a missing pl...