Student Help Notes

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Introduction to Tutorials
What are Tutorials? Tutorials are digital resources that give students hands-on practice for building skills in a low-stakes environment. Topics covered in tutorials are broken down into smaller parts that allow students to progress, step ...
Getting Started with Tutorials
Tutorials work on computers, tablets, and smartphones and integrates with the Norton Ebook Reader and other digital products. This page provides details on how users can access Tutorials and then manage their associated settings. Which device...
How do I complete Tutorials?
To complete Tutorial activities and receive a grade, you must answer every question available, but you do not have to get them all correct on your first attempt.  The system will guide you through a series of sections that you must complete in orde...
Joining Student Sets
Student Sets allow your instructor to view your responses on Tutorial assignments. Follow the instructions contained on this page to join your instructor's Student Set so that you can share your results in order for your instructor to assign a grade...
How Grading Works
In Tutorials, students must answer all questions to receive a preliminary grade of 100%. This page details how students can progress through Tutorials activities to receive a grade. How am I graded in Tutorials? Tutorial activities are designe...
LMS Integration
Tutorials can be integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS) course such as Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas, or D2L for single sign-on and grade passback. Open ended responses will not be visible from your instructor’s gradebook, but your instruct...