Overview of Role Permissions in ZAPS

Overview of ZAPS Permissions

Note: Adding a TA or STA to your Student Set will not grant that account access to the associated product(s); the TA or STA will still need to register or purchase access to be able to use the Digital Resources for your textbook.

The following table contains a complete list of the permissions Teacher's Assistants, Scoring Teacher's Assistants, and Instructors have in ZAPS.

Teacher's Assistant (TA)Scoring Teacher's Assistant (STA)
Can see For Instructors tab in each activityYesYesYes
Can access Class Activity Report and view/export student submissions/question responses/experience report dataYesYesYes
Can move through tabs/questions in any orderYesYesYes
Can review and update activity settings

Can access Manage Student Sets and add or remove students
Can add TA/STA/authorized instructors to the Student Set
Can remove TA/STA/instructors from the Student Set

Can update the name of the Student Set

Can update the Start and End dates of the Student Set

Can set a GAU for each activity


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