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Introduction to the Online Workbook
An introduction to the Online Workbook powered by Noteflight. Hide All Answers What is Noteflight? Noteflight is an online music writing application that lets you create, view, print, and hear music notation with professional quality, rig...
Getting Started with the Online Workbook
A guide to getting started using the Online Workbook powered by Noteflight. Hide All Answers How do I get started using the Online Workbook? There is a great "Getting Started" resource available on the Digital Resources page for your textboo...
Assignment Setup and Controls
A guide to setting up and assigning worksheets in the Online Workbook powered by Noteflight. Hide All Answers How do I assign worksheets to my students? Choose a Student Set from the Select a Student Set dropdown menu. Select a chapter ...
Student Grading and Reports
A guide to grading submitted worksheets and viewing reports in the Online Workbook powered by Noteflight. Hide All Answers Are the worksheets graded automatically? No, Noteflight is an online musical notation program that does not have the a...