Instructor Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions page is dedicated to common issues that you may experience when using Norton products or setting up your course. If you do not find your issue listed here, please contact the W.W. Norton Service Desk for further support.

Why can't I see my student's grades in my LMS?

Students whose grades are not appearing in your LMS gradebook are typically not accessing the course materials in the correct way. If a student's grades are not appearing in your gradebook please have them:

  1. Login to your schools LMS using the correct credentials.
  2. Navigate to your course page and open the link to the activity with the missing grade.
  3. If they are prompted to login, they should login or create a Norton account to access the course materials.
  4. Open the activity or assignment that is not showing a grade to complete the grade passback.

It is important that students in your Student Set log in through the LMS for their grades to appear in your gradebook. If your student has followed these steps and you still cannot see the final grade, please go to the W.W. Norton Service Desk page to submit a support request.

How do I extend a student's Grades Accepted Until date?

In the event a student is unable to complete an activity prior to the class Grades Accepted Until (GAU) date, you can provide them with an individual extension GAU.

To set an individual Grades Accepted Until extension:

  1. Select the appropriate student set from the drop-down menu.
  2. Navigate to the assignment the student needs an extension for and click on Reports.
  3. Search the student in the search bar or find their email address in the list and click on Details
  4. Select Override Grades Accepted Until Date (this will open a window).
  5. Select a new GAU for the student that is in the future.
    • Please note: If you select a new GAU and the date and time has already passed, any work the student has completed for the activity will not automatically update as a final score, even if the date is after the student earned a final grade. All GAU extensions need to be set for a future date and time.
  6. Click Override Grades Accepted Until date.
  7. You will see that the Grades Accepted Until date for this student has updated in the details window.

Why can't my students see my Smartwork assignment?

If your students cannot see your Smartwork assignment, please double-check that you have published the activity in Smartwork and within your Learning Management System. To publish an assignment within Smartwork, click "Publish" at the bottom of the assignment. Doing this will make the assignment available to students. Once you click Publish, the assignment will be marked as Published with the date to the left of the Unpublish button. Additionally, you can publish an assignment via the Assignment List Table by clicking the checkbox in the Publish column next to the assignment you would like to publish.  

If your students still cannot see the Smartwork assignment, it is possible your student added themselves to the wrong Student Set ID. Please confirm they are in your Student Set. If they are in the correct Student Set and still unable to see the assignment, please have your student go to the W.W. Norton Service Desk page to submit a support request.

Do I need to set due dates in InQuizitive, Smartwork, ZAPS and in my LMS?

For any activities you would like student's to earn a final grade for, it is important that Grades Accepted Until (GAU) dates are set within the Norton Learning Tools page for the appropriate product. Students that are accessing your Student Set through your LMS will see the GAU when they open the activity and their final grades will pass back to your LMS correctly. Setting GAU's in the LMS is not recommended, as this can cause issues with passback if the dates do not match or you extend a GAU.

How do I edit my Student Set End Date in my LMS?

To set a Student Set End Date you will need to open either the Product Homepage Link or an Individual Activity Link to open the Norton Learning Tools page. From there:

  1. Click on the account icon in the top right corner.
  2. Click on Manage Student Sets.
  3. Click Update on the Student Set you want to set the End Date for.
  4. Click on the End Date field and select a new date.
  5. Click Save and close out of the Manage Student Sets tab.

If you are attempting to set an End Date for your course in your Learning Management System, please reach out to your Learning Management Campus Administrator for help.

How do I request a desk copy?

To request a desk copy, please go to click college. Search for your textbook using the navigation menu on the left side of the webpage. Some textbook titles will have a red Instructor Resources button beneath them that will bring you to the Instructor Resources page. You will see a Request Exam Copy button on that screen. If the textbook title does not have an Instructor Resources button, click on the title, and scroll down to the For Instructors section. Click on Request Exam Copy and fill in the information to complete your request.

My student joined the student set late, and they do not have access to assignments that were due prior to joining.  How can I allow them to complete them for a grade?

To extend the Grades Accepted Until (GAU) date, login to your Learning Management System and open the Product Homepage Link or Individual Activity Link to open your Student Set. From there:

  1. Click on Reports for the activity that your student cannot access.
  2. Search the student's name in the search bar or scroll through the Class Activity Report to find them.
  3. Click on Details to open the details menu for that student's activity.
  4. Click on Extend Grades Accepted Until Date and input a new date in the future.
  5. Click OK to save the changes. The student will now be able to see the activity.

If you have any Due Dates set in your Learning Management System, they will override any GAU's you have set in the Norton Learning Tools page and you will need to contact your LMS administrator to help you resolve grade pass-back problems or extend the due date.

What if I forgot my password? 

If you forgot your password, you can reset it on the Norton Digital Landing Page by following the steps below:  

  1. Click on the green Sign In, Register a Code, or Purchase Access button in the middle of the webpage or click on the gear menu in the top right corner of the webpage. 
  2. When the "Have you already registered for this product?" login prompt appears, click on the "Forgot your Password?" link beneath the password field. 
  3. In the Forgot your Password prompt, input the email address that you registered for your W.W. Norton product with. 
  4. Click Reset Password and OK to request a password reset email. A password reset email will send. Please note you will have 15 minutes to use the link sent in the password reset email. If you do not reset your password within 15 minutes, you will need to repeat this process from step 1. 
  5. Log in to your email account. You will receive an email with the subject heading "Password Reset for W.W. Norton Account." If you do not see the reset email in your inbox, check your Spam folder. 
  6. Click on the link provided after "Here is the link to reset your password". 
  7. This link will load the W.W. Norton website in a new tab where you will be prompted to input a new password and retype your new password before clicking Reset Password. Please note your new password cannot contain any of the following special characters: # ^ % _ ' \ 
  8. The webpage will reload and you will be prompted to log in to your W.W. Norton account using your new password on the Digital Landing Page for the product you were attempting to log in to. 

To reset your password on the W.W. Norton website, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Go to in a new window or tab.
  2. Click on the Log In account icon in the top right corner of the webpage. 
  3. Click on Forgot your Password? at the bottom of the Already Have a Norton Account? section of the login tab. 
  4. Input the email address that you registered for access to Norton products with and click Send Email. You will see a confirmation that the password reset email has been sent. 
  5. Log in to your email account. You will receive an email with the subject heading "Password Reset for W.W. Norton Account." If you do not see the reset email in your inbox, check your Spam folder. 
  6. Click on the link provided after "Here is the link to reset your password". 
  7. This link will load the W.W. Norton website in a new tab where you will be prompted to input a new password and retype your new password before clicking Reset Password. Please note your new password cannot contain any of the following special characters: # ^ % _ ' \ 
  8. The webpage will reload and you will be prompted to log in to your W.W. Norton account using your new password.  

What if my high school student forgot their password?

If you're a high school teacher and one of your students has forgotten their password, please submit a request with the W.W. Norton Service Desk to have their password reset.

Submit a Support Request

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